Discussions > MAFMC SSC Webinar 4/30/13 1pm - 2014 SMB ABCs

The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) will meet via webinar on Tuesday April 30 starting at 1pm to among other things, review the 2014 squids and mackerel quota limits (ABCs) and review information about butterfish for 2014 ABCs. The squids and mackerel are in the middle of multi-year specifications so the SSC is reviewing what it set previously. The SSC may decide to keep the squids and mackerel ABCs the same at this webinar or may review the available information and make a final decision during its Baltimore, MD May 15-16 in person meeting (more on this later). For butterfish the specifications are year to year, so on Tuesday the SSC will review the available information in preparation for a decision at its May 15-16 meeting. Tuesday’s webinar meeting is focused on SSC discussion, but public access is available via webinar. More information is available at: http://www.mafmc.org/council-events/ssc/4-30-2013.

April 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSTN